
Varilight 1 Gang White Data Brush Outlet Screwless Antimicrobial/Antiviral Unlaquered Copper Cu29


XDYGBRHWS.AC Varilight Single Data Module Width Slot on a Single Data Grid Face Plate, with one Brush Outlet Module included, Dimension Screwless Anti-Microbial Unlaquered Copper Cu29 Low Profile Plate and White Brush module. Please Note: These products are Anti-Microbial Unlaquered Copper, therefore if left without regular treatment/cleaning will become tarnished in a similar fashion to the example image. This plate style will suit customers requiring a distressed finish. If you prefer a lacquered Copper version, look at Urban Polished copper (this range has no Antimicrobial/Antiviral properties).
This is a self-assembly kit made up of: [XDYG1S.AC + Z2GBRHW]
Availability: 10 in stock SKU: #XDYGBRHWS.AC [XDYG1S.AC + Z2GBRHW] Category:
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Description Varilight Half Sized Brush Outlet (1 Grid Space), on a single 1 Gang Data Grid plate, used as a neat way of hiding 1 or more cables coming out from the wall. ………………………………………….. VARILIGHT outlets have an industry-wide reputation for exceptional performance, long life and innovation at attractive prices. ………………………………………….. The Varilight outlet, like all our products, is designed to meet the latest European Safety Legislation. ………………………………………….. It is important to select the correct product for your application, so please read the following information carefully, if need be look at PDF manuals, and if you are still unsure, then contact us. ………………………………………….. Appearance, Function and Applications The Data Grid Range enables you to choose data modules to fit onto these special single and double face plates. There are numerous modules available including audio, TV & Satellite, data networking and telephone all of which can be mixed and matched on one plate to meet your requirements. The Data Grid system is very simple to assemble, the modules just clip into the Data Grid Faceplates. Now available is the Data Grid+ Inserts Range, which allows mixing of power sources like unswitched sockets with any of the modules in the Data Grid Range. ………………………………………….. The Varilight Data Grid Brush Outlets facilitates tidy cable management. No longer will you have an untidy bunch of cables coming out from your wall, thankfully with the help of this Data Grid brush outlet, the positioning of this product will look clean and slick. In light of the current ongoing outbreak of Human Coronavirus (Covid-19), we arehighlighting the availability and effectiveness of Varilight’s Antimicrobial Copper Cu29 range ofswitches & sockets in protecting against viruses. Antimicrobial copper works alongside routine cleaning and sanitisation procedures toreduce the spread of infection, making this range ideal for healthcare and domesticenvironments. Research from the University of Southampton found that a coronavirus (in this case HuCoV-229E) died on copper surfaces within minutes compared to many days on some othersurfaces.* * Excerpt from: Warnes SL, Little ZR, Keevil CW. 2015. Human coronavirus 229E remains infectious on commontouch surface materials. mBio 6(6):e01697-15. doi:10.1128/mBio.01697-15: On copper, and a range of copper alloys — collectively termed ‘antimicrobial copper’ — the coronaviruswas rapidly inactivated (within a few minutes, for simulated fingertip contamination). Exposure to copperdestroyed the virus completely and irreversibly, leading the researchers to conclude that antimicrobialcopper surfaces could be employed in communal areas and at any mass gatherings to help reduce the spreadof respiratory viruses and protect public health. Germs die rapidly on copper, which keeps working 24/7, in between regular cleans. OurTarnishing Antimicrobial copper range is made from solid copper so this effect won’treduce overtime. Normal tarnishing or wear of Antimicrobial Copper surfaces will not impair theantiviral effectiveness of the product. ………………………………………….. Although the Antimicrobial/Antiviral Copper range was designed to manage germs on contact, this range can also be used in properties requiring a distressed finish, as they develop a natural patina. This patina can be reset by polishing with Brasso or similar, which removes all patina effects and allows you to add a different distressed finish to your own taste. Alternatively, if you require a polished copper finish, then regular cleaning is a must. ………………………………………….. The VARILIGHT Antimicrobial/Antiviral Copper range is made from un-lacquered and un-coated solid copper and comes complete with solid copper switch rockers to ensure maximum Antimicrobial/Antiviral efficacy and carries the Cu29 logo. Clip on faceplates remove the need for visible fixing screws, providing a flat surface to facilitate cleaning. Normal tarnishing of Antimicrobial/Antiviral copper surfaces will not impair the antibacterial effectiveness of the product. ………………………………………….. ………………………………………….. Please Note: These products are Anti-Microbial Unlaquered Copper, therefore they tarnish as expected. If you prefer a lacquered version, look at Urban Polished copper Cleaning Please follow the instructions on cleaning below, which is also shown in the instructions provided with the product. Never apply masking tape or other similar tape to the product. Avoid the use of any cleaning chemicals and always use a Gasket on freshly plastered, painted or damp walls as the plates may tarnish. (Plaster can take up to 6 months to dry out). A Gasket can be made from the packaging the product comes in, or a plastic bag can be cut to stop the plate touching the plaster. Unfortunately, if these Instructions are not followed, and the plate is damaged, it will void the product warranty. ………………………………………….. Please Note: These products are Anti-Microbial Unlaquered Copper, therefore they tarnish as expected. If you prefer a lacquered version, look at Urban Polished copper ………………………………………….. Cleaning and sanitisation This product will develop a natural patina. Routine cleaning and sanitisation procedures must continue to be implemented to reduce the potential for infection and to keep the Antimicrobial/Antiviral Copper Alloy surface free of dirt and grime that could prevent contact with the surface and inhibit Antimicrobial/Antiviral performance. The appropriate cleaning agent depends on the type of soiling and the measure of sanitisation required. To remain effective the surface must not be coated in any way. Do not wax, paint, lacquer, varnish, or otherwise coat this product. Normal tarnishing or wear of Antimicrobial/Antiviral Copper Alloy surfaces will not impair the antibacterial effectiveness of the product. An effective cleaning agent for use on Antimicrobial/Antiviral copper product is citric acid. Apply a small amount to a polishing cloth and lightly wipe the affected area. ………………………………………….. Product Instructions & Manuals – Antimicrobial/Antiviral Copper Accessories PDF – Wiring Accessories PDF – Screwless Fitting PDF


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Product Features

✔ Neat way of hiding 1 or more cables
✔ Sleek, low-profile screwless faceplate
✔ Anti-microbial copper achieves 99.9% reduction in bacteria within minutes of exposure
✔ These products are Anti-Microbial Unlaquered Copper, therefore they tarnish as expected

Range: Screwless

Finish: Antimicrobial/Antiviral Un-Lacquered Copper Cu29

Product Category: Brush

Insert/Knob Colour: White Insert

Dimensions: 86x86x23mm

Faceplate Depth: 4mm

Product Weight: 120g

Fixing Centres: 60.3mm

Recommended Back Box Depth: 16mm

Operating Voltage: N/A

Maximum Load Rating: N/A


Intended Applications: Indoor Use Only. Data circuits.

Safety Advice: PLEASE NOTE: Routine cleaning must be continued to keep the surface free of dirt and grime that could inhibit anti-microbial performance. To remain effective the surface must not be coated in any way. Product Must Be Earthed.

Applicable Safety Standard: N/A